Outside the Bedroom Door

Have you ever moved into a new house, and it’s just totally overgrown? Or it’s winter, and you have no idea what’s going to show up in your yard once the spring starts?

That phase kills me! I want to know exactly what’s coming up, and be able to plan out our landscaping.

When we moved into our current home, I was super pregnant and it was super hot out - I had no interest in looking at the yard (all energy went into surviving.) Once February rolled around and my daughter was born, I started to venture into the yard more.

My bedroom has a set of french doors that goes out into the side yard ⬇️

There’s a bunch of ivy and all sorts of stuff growing right out there. Some of it’s cool, some of it….is just a lot? (It’s a work in progress.) BUT GUESS WHAT I FOUND OUT THERE?

The only place in my entire yard that’s growing little violets 😭😍

Do you know what the February birth flower is?! (the birth flowers for my baby???)


And that’s the story of how I know this house was meant for me.

Birth Flowers bring me so much joy. I love to paint birth flowers because of the sense of home and family they bring! Having a way to represent your children and loved ones together is such a gift, and I’m grateful for the calling.

If you’re ready to start designing your unique birth flower painting together, send me a message! I can’t wait to help you tell your family story.


February Phone Lock Screen


The Pink Tree