I love it enough

Here’s the thing about making art:

You might not love it. But I love my art, and I love it enough for both of us.

My paintings might not be your style, and that’s okay!

Because they are my style, and I’ve found that every one of my paintings has a little bit of my heart in them. And that makes it SO SCARY to put them out there for people to have an opinion on.

What if you hate it?

I know that might sound dramatic and kind of silly, but WHAT IF you hate it?!

I know there are artists out there that I totally admire, but hate their work (shh 🤫 don’t tell them.) Why do they keep putting their art out there if I hate it?!

Because ✨someone loves it ✨

You have my permission to hate my art! I’m totally okay with that, because someone loves it!

(that someone is me 🖤)

Be brave enough to love your art, whatever it is! And love it enough for the whole wide world.

I promise you won’t be the only one!!


The Pink Tree


The Flowers in Her Garden